<% talmonth = len(month(now)) if talmonth = 1 then manad = "0" & Month(Now) else manad = Month(Now) end if talday = len(day(now)) if talday = 1 then dag = "0" & Day(Now) else dag = Day(Now) end if taltimme = len(hour(now)) if taltimme = 1 then timme = "0" & Hour(Now) else timme = Hour(Now) end if data = Year(now) & manad & dag & timme ID = server.htmlencode(Request.Querystring("id")) if isnumeric(ID) then Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Connect.Open "cycore_news" Set RS1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") SQL1 = "SELECT * FROM news WHERE IDNews = " & ID & " AND ViewAble<='" & data & "' and IDType = 'prelease' and cycore='1'" RS1.Open SQL1, Connect, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly else response.redirect("prelease_archive.asp") end if if RS1.EOF then response.redirect("prelease_archive.asp") else Set Connect2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Connect2.Open "cycore_boiler" Set RS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") SQL2 = "SELECT * FROM boiler WHERE language='" & RS1("language") & "' and date<='" & left(RS1("viewable"),8) & "' ORDER BY date DESC" RS2.Open SQL2, Connect2, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly %>

<% = RS1("heading") %>

<% If RS1("subheading") = "no" then %> <% else %>

<% = RS1("subheading") %>

<% end if %>

<% = RS1("city") %> , <% = RS1("country") %> , <% if RS1("language") = "swedish" then Month1 = right(left(RS1("viewable"),6),2) if left(Month1,1) = "0" then Month1 = right(Month1,1) else end if If Month1 = 1 then Month1 = "januari" elseif Month1 = 2 then Month1 = "februari" elseif Month1 = 3 then Month1 = "mars" elseif Month1 = 4 then Month1 = "april" elseif Month1 = 5 then Month1 = "maj" elseif Month1 = 6 then Month1 = "juni" elseif Month1 = 7 then Month1 = "juli" elseif Month1 = 8 then Month1 = "augusti" elseif Month1 = 9 then Month1 = "september" elseif Month1 = 10 then Month1 = "oktober" elseif Month1 = 11 then Month1 = "november" elseif Month1 = 12 then Month1 = "december" end if %> <% dag = left(right(RS1("viewable"),4),2) if dag < 10 then dag = right(left(right(RS1("viewable"),4),2),1) else dag = left(right(RS1("viewable"),4),2) end if %> <% = dag %>   <% = Month1 %> , <% = left(RS1("viewable"),4) %> -
<% else Month1 = MonthName(right(left(RS1("viewable"),6),2)) %> <% dag = left(right(RS1("viewable"),4),2) if dag < 10 then dag = right(left(right(RS1("viewable"),4),2),1) else dag = left(right(RS1("viewable"),4),2) end if %> <% = Month1 %>   <% = dag %> , <% = left(RS1("viewable"),4) %> -
<% end if %> <% = RS1("intro") %>

<% = RS1("text") %>

<% if RS1("language") = "swedish" then %>
För ytterligare information kontakta: <% = RS1("contact_name") %> , <% = RS1("contact_title") %> för Cycore AB
"> <% = RS1("contact_mail") %>
Telefon: <% = RS1("contact_phone") %>

<% RS2.MoveFirst %> <% = RS2("boiler") %>

<% else %>
For further information, please contact: <% = RS1("contact_name") %> , <% = RS1("contact_title") %> Cycore
"> <% = RS1("contact_mail") %>
Phone: <% = RS1("contact_phone") %>

<% RS2.MoveFirst %> <% = RS2("boiler") %>

<% end if %>

<% end if %>